Evil and Spiritual Combat in a Time of Pandemic
December 11
Conference Schedule
All Events via Zoom. We follow Eastern Standard Time
Panel Schedule: Virtual James Chapel, Virtual Stewart Room & Virtual Bonhoeffer Room
9:00 – 9:30: President and the Board: Welcome Talk
Conrad Fischer and Judith Scott
Virtual James Chapel
First Short Presentation Section: 9:30 – 10:45
The Assembly Panel: Spirituality and Mysticism in the Time of Pandemic (in English)
Virtual James Chapel
John A. McGuckin, Oxford University
Being Locked up, Locked in, Locked out, and ‘Locked and Loaded’ in the Time of Pandemic
Clair McPherson, General Theological Seminary
A Distant Pandemic Mirror: The Great Plague of the 14th Century and the Mystical Response
Karenna Gore, Center for Earth Ethics. Union Theological Seminary. NYC
Social Distancing, Spiritual Connection and the Return to Earth
Eirini Artemi, Hellenic Open University
Suffering in John Chrysostom’s Thought
Respondent: Conrad Fischer, Touro College. NYC
Moderator: Daniel Buda, University of Sibiu. Romania
10:45: 11:00: Virtual Coffee Room
Virtual Coffee is Served Virtually
11:00 – 12:15 Second Short Presentation Section
Panel I: Spiritual Fatigue, Evil & Divine Pedagogy (in Romanian)
Virtual James Chapel
Rev. Prof. Dr. Aurel Pavel, University of Sibiu. Romania
The New Pandemic: Punishment or Divine Pedagogy? A Few Missionary Reflections (Noua pandemie, pedeapsă sau pedagogie divină? Câtava reflecții misionare)
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Moldovan, University of Sibiu. Romania
The Evil of a Pandemic. Can We Take Advantage of It?
(Răul unei pandemii? Putem să vorbim de unele avantaje ale acesteia?)
Lecturer Dr. Ciprian Iulian Torokzkai, University of Sibiu. Romania
Akedia and its Rejection in the Actual Context of Pandemic
(Akedia și combaterea ei în contextul actual al pandemiei. O abordare interdisciplinara)
Rev. Jr. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buda, University of Sibiu. Romania
Evil and Spiritual Combat in Pandemic. Is this a Useful Terminology?
(Răul și lupta spirituală: este aceasta o terminologie utilă?)
Moderator: Rev. Jr. Prof. Dr. Cristian Sonea, University of Cluj. Romania
Panel II: The Evil of White Supremacy, Separation and the Balance between Faith and Society (in English)
Virtual Stewart Room
Nun Katherine Weston, Fellowship of St. Moses the Black. NYC
Unseen Warfare: Restoring the Balance Between Biblical Faith and Civil Religion
Julia Ji, Columbia University
Antidote to the Evilness of Separation and Isolation - Spiritual Friendship: Our Lord’s Incarnational Attention in Everyday Life
Judith Scott, St. Gregory the Theologian Orthodox Mission. NYC
“But Deliver us from Evil”: African American and Orthodox Christianity in Spiritual Combat against Demons, Disease and White Supremacy.
Alessandro Simone, Columbia University
Contested Social Issues and Policy Making
Moderator: Byron Belitsos, Union Theological Seminary
Panel III: Grace and Spiritual Combat in a Time of Pandemic (In Russian)
Virtual Bonhoeffer Room
Igor Tarasov, Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA. NYC
The Action of the Divine Grace upon the Faithful Soul during the Time of Pandemic
(Действие Божественной благодати на душу верующего во время пандемии)
Alexander Prigarin, I.I. Mechnikov National University. Odessa. Ukraine
Pandemia in Odessa, Ukraine
(Пандемия в Одессе, Украина)
Eugenia Shekhter, International Society for the Saving of Monuments and Landscapes. NYC
Pandemia in Kiev, Ukraine
(Пандемия в Киеве, Украина)
Felix Dovgan, ISEC. NYC
Spiritual Combat against the Devil
(духовная борьба с дьяволом)
Moderator: Sergey Trostyanskiy, Marist College, NY
12:15 – 12:30: Virtual Coffee Room
Virtual Cookies are Served Virtually
12:30 – 1:45 Third Short Presentation Section
Panel I: Human Destiny and Dignity in a Time of Pandemic: Evil, Contest and Spiritual Defense (in Romanian)
Virtual James Chapel
HG Bishop Lect. Univ. Dr. Benedict Bistriteanul, University of Cluj. Romania
A Spiritual Man and the Bodily Man in the Face of the Pandemic
(Omul duhovnicesc si omul trupesc in fata pandemiei)
Rev. Jr. Prof. Dr. Gabriel Gardan, University of Cluj. Romania
Religious Defense Mechanisms in the Time of the First Pandemic in the History of Humankind (Mecanisme religioase de aparare in timpul primei pandemii din istoria umanitatii)
Rev. Jr. Prof. Dr. Cristian Sonea, University of Cluj. Romania
Human Dignity in a Time of Pandemic
(Demnitatea umana in timp de pandemie)
Rev. Lecturer Dr. Adrian Podaru, University of Cluj. Romania
Is the Pandemic Evil? A Patristic Perspective
(Este pandemia un rau? O perspectiva patristica)
Moderator: Rev. Prof. Dr. Aurel Pavel, University of Sibiu. Romania
Panel II: Sickness, Death and Sin (In Greek)
Virtual Stewart Room
Eleni Nikolopoulou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece
Ministry to the Sick
(Διακονία των νοσούντων)
Theoni Boura, National and Kapodestrian University of Athens. Greece
“There is no House without Somebody Dead”: The Ecclesiastical Response to the Pandemic then (250 AD) and Today
(«Δεν υπάρχει σπίτι χωρίς πεθαμένο»: Η εκκλησιαστική αντιμετώπιση της πανδημίας τότε (250μ.Χ.) και σήμερα)
Aglaia Nikolopoulou, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Greece
Covid19 & the Orthodox Pastoral Ministry: Seeking the Right Approach to the Relationship between Sickness and Sin
(Covid19 & ορθόδοξη ποιμαντική διακονία: Αναζητώντας την ορθή προσέγγιση στη σχέση ασθένειας και αμαρτίας)
Eirini Artemi, Hellenic Open University. Athens. Greece
Suffering in John Chrysostom’s Thought
(Τα δεινά στη ζωή του ανθρώπου κατά τη διδασκαλία του
Ιωάννη του Χρυσοστόμου)
Moderator: Eirini Artemi, Hellenic Open University. Athens. Greece
Panel III: Time, Memory and Nature in a Time of Pandemic (In Russian)
Virtual Bonhoeffer Room
Iuliania Zalesnaya, Bern-yu-Med Medical Clinic. Kiev. Ukraine
Problems of Memory during a Time of Pandemic
(Проблемы памяти во время пандемии)
Sergey Trostyanskiy, Marist College, NY
Counting the Instants: Time and Spiritual Awareness in a Time of Pandemic
(Подсчет мгновений: время и духовная осведомленность во время пандемии)
Ivanna Bratus, Ecology of Family, NGO. Kiev. Ukraine
Pandemia: An Alternative Point of View
(Еще один взгляд на пандемию)
Daniil Razinkov, MGU. Moscow. Russia; Igor Ryazantsev, PSTGU University. Moscow. Russia & Maria Podlesnaya. Russian Academy of Science. Moscow. Russia
Secularization of Spiritual Education in ROC
(Секуляризация Духовного Образования в РПЦ)
Moderator: Felix Dovgan, ISEC. NYC
1:45 – 2:00: Virtual Coffee Room
Virtual Cocktail Party. Virtual Cocktails are Served Virtually
2:00 – 3:15 Fourth Short Presentation Section
Panel I: The Propensity to Evil and a Christian Mindset in a Time of Pandemic: Mission, the Eucharist and Ascesis (in Romanian)
Virtual James Chapel
Rev. Lecturer Dr. Adrian Murg, University of Arad. Romania
Christian Life as Warfare, according to Ephesians 6: 10-18
(Viața și lupta creștină potrivit Eph 6: 10-18)
Rev. Lecturer. Dr. Filip Albu, University of Arad. Romania
Preaching of the Church during Pandemic. Same Patristic and Modern Thoughts
(Predica bisericii în pandemie. repere patristice şi actuale)
Rev. Asst. Prof. Dr. Caius Cutaru, University of Arad. Romania
Mentalities and Religious Atitudes in Times of Pandemic
(Mentalităţi şi atitudini religioase în vreme de pandemie)
Rev. Prof Dr. Cristinel Ioja, University of Arad. Romania
Eucharist during Pandemic – Evil Influences and Spiritual Combat
(Euharistia în pandemie – influenţele răului şi lupta spirituală)
Moderator: Rev. Jr. Prof. Dr. Daniel Buda, University of Sibiu. Romania
Panel II: Ethics, Law and Spirituality in a Time of Pandemic (in English)
Virtual Stewart Room
Rebecca Hiromi Luft, Lutheran School of Theology. Chicago
After My Skin Has Thus Been Destroyed: Disease, Theophany, and the Restoration of the Image in Priestly Law and Job
Brandon Paradise, Rutgers University. NJ
Power, Authority and Moral Knowledge Amidst a Pandemic
Vicki Petrakis, Independent Scholar
‘On his Father’s Silence Because of the Plague of Hail’ - Gregory Nazianzen’s Response to Ecological Havoc and Social Inequality
Anthony Perkins, the University of Georgia
Discernment and the Promise of Diversity
Moderator: VK. McCarty, General Theological Seminary
Panel III: Art and Schools in a Time of Pandemic (in English)
Virtual Bonhoeffer Room
Dumitrita Filip, National Museum of Union, Alba Iulia, Museikon
Museums & Research Projects during a Time of Pandemic
Alexander Bitis, University of Quinnipiac
American Public Schools and the Void of Faith: Turbulent Times in the Midst of Pandemic
Slaviša Kostić, Patriarch Pavle Grammar School. Belgrade. Serbia
The Students of Religious Education’s View of the World during the Pandemic Crisis. The Case of Online Communication of Students with their Teacher at the Patriarch Pavle Grammar School
Tatiana Nikolova-Houston, Independent Artist
Image and Creativity in a Time of Pandemic
Moderator: Judith Scott, St. Gregory the Theologian Orthodox Mission. NYC
3:15 – 4:00: Virtual Coffee Room
Virtual Late Lunch: Served Virtually
4:00 – 5:15 Fifth Short Presentation Section
Panel I: Sickness: Spiritual and Physical Perspectives (in English)
Virtual James Chapel
David Pratt, University of Georgetown
Tridentine Evil in Russian Hands: The Revision of Unseen Warfare by Theophan the Recluse and the Meaning of Sickness
John A. Monaco, Duquesne University
Divine Philanthropy and Pedagogy: An Orthodox Perspective on Illness
Simran Kripalani, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University
The Role of Religion in Physician Outlook on Death, Dying, and End-of-Life Care
Conrad Fischer, Touro College. NYC
The Orthodox Perspective on Anger
Moderator: Judith Scott, St. Gregory the Theologian Orthodox Mission. NYC
Panel II: Evil, Illness, Forgiveness and the Illusion of Freedom (in English)
Virtual Stewart Room
Hermina Nedelesku, Scripps Research. California
The Risks of Transmission of SARS-CoV2 and Liturgical Practice
Alina N. Feld, CUNY, York College
Julia Kristeva: Forgiveness in Eastern Christianity as Therapeutics in the Age of Apocalyptic Pandemia
Nicholas Sooy, Fordham University
Is Evil ever Necessary?
Hasan Azad, Independent Scholar
Spirituality, Technocracy and the Illusion of Freedom
Moderator: Brandon Paradise, Rutgers University. NJ
Panel III: Knowledge, Aesthesis and Happiness (in English)
Stuart Dean, Independent Scholar
The Surprisingly Modern Relevance of Macrina’s Analysis of her Doctor’s Diagnostic Technique (From a passage in Nyssa’s De Anima et Resurrectione)
Will Bellamy, Independent Scholar
Holy Aesthetics as a Spiritual Defense Mechanism
Byron Belitsos, Union Theological Seminary
The Problem of Horrendous Evil in Post-Holocaust Theology
VK. McCarty, General Theological Seminary
Spiritual Combat Guide: The Desert Mothers Can Teach You to Be a Warrior of the Highest Good
Moderator: Alexander Bitis, University of Quinnipiac
5:15 – 6:00: Virtual Closing Session:
Kisses and Hugs according to the Orthodox Tradition Implemented Virtually
Virtual James Chapel